How I'm Making Money With Instagram

I’ve seen  and debated on plenty of threads about how to make money on instagram?” So, I figured after talking to 2 people this past week, I would just release 1 of my methods to give mobile marketers an example of what you can do with Instagram.

When this thing blows up guys, remember where you heard it first…….. Now if you know anything about how to make money on Instagram then you know the level of scaling you can do to maximize your profits with just this 1 method I’m about to show you.

The above video shows you how to make money on instagram, but you must know, that to accomplish this task quickly, plain and simple, “you must give people what they want, not what you want to sell them” Got it? Good. The popular IM outsourcing resource is a great example of this. I say this because you go there because you need the Likes, Facebook Fans, Google +1s, and of course the famous Twitter Followers! They know how to make money on instagram because, they provide you with the help you need to do it if you don't at know yourself. But that's just a service method that does work great also. How much do you think those guys are bringing in if they have a decent clientle built up under just a $5 per customer transaction. I've done a couple case studies on how to make money with instagram vs. facebook  because, surprisingly it seems that "how to make money on instagram" was a hotter topic 4 days ago, than how to make money on twitter and pinterest together.

How To Make Money On Instagram Using Tumblr?

I started out on Wordpress. I spent money straight off the bat. I learned the hard way. Then I learned how to make money on instagram by sending traffic to a free mobile optimized blogging platform called Tumblr. And I learned, It was profitable! Tumblr is a free blogging platform that is best known for it’s best feature of already being mobile optimized. What is mobile optimized you ask? Well plain and simple your phone screen is smaller than your desktop screen so a website that is mobile optimized looks great on your smartphone. I learned how to make money on instagram through a lot of testing, tweaking and training. Make no mistake that what I am teaching you is currently a method that is becoming popular due to almost every person in every household having a smartphone at their disposal. Tumblr is great because you don’t even have to change your theme if you don’t want to because it just plain looks great on a smartphone. If you don’t have a Tumblr account GET ONE! You are missing out if you don’t! Now let me make myself clear… with the way Instagram’s rules change you have to keep up with any changes that occur. Right now you can still direct link to CPA offers but to be honest keep “randomness” as 1 “key” factor of your marketing.  There is no 1 way solution on how to make money on instagram because you could easily stumble on your own unique way to use this traffic like I myself did. Do a couple accounts doing direct link CPA Offers and some that redirect to a mobile squeeze page. Mobile Monopoly 2.0 has a great software that will set up your mobile squeeze page to work with LIVE pre recorded niche webinars that convert greatly for me! And it also plugs into your autoresponder so you can build your list at the same time!

Your Tumblr and your Instagram account will work with one another simultaneously, My methods are straight to the point  and most of all easy to follow. Speak with your pictures! I firmly believe that in affiliate marketing  if your time is focused on what people want you’ll find success.

This Is How To Make Money On Instagram: Learn The Steps To Success.

The easiest way to succeed on Instagram is to not sell anything!! Crazy as it sounds, it's true. You did say you wanted to learn how to make money on instagram didn't you?" If you're not familiar with CPA(Cost Per Action) Offers you should definetly read up on them. They are the best fit i've seen for a method like this. Make sure to make everything you do on Instagram as "normal" looking as possible. I guarantee that if a college group of boys saw a hot chick on their Instagram pic comment they will interact with the profile if it is set up correctly. Use common sense when marketing in social media and trust me you'll see results with every change you make. Now, back to the steps of how to make money on instagram. There are 3 ways we’ll learn how to make money on Instagram. The first 2 are the traditional methods. And might I add all methods are coming from FREE TRAFFIC METHODS at that! "In Order to make money using Instagram you have to know exactly how to make money using instagram."
  • Make an Instagram account and directly linking to the CPA offer that you’re going to promote.

  •  Make an Instagram account and linking to a mobile squeeze page to capture the email address of the user before sending them to the CPA offer.

What we need to do here is think outside the box.  I stated that these methods are “traditional” basically that is just ”what everyone else is doing.”  Be creative! I’ll say it again..BE CREATIVE! Its not only HOW you make money on instagram but WHERE.Your resources are your ally. And that is exactly how I developed this Instagram Method that you are about to see below.  
  • Make sure that your page looks natural. Post pics associated with your page name to give that personal touch(you’ll learn why this is important later)

  • You will have to reach mass amounts of people in order to test and tweak this strategy and NO you don’t have to buy traffic, because it’s totally FREE traffic!!! That is why Instagram is awesome! Just, be sure to strictly keep an eye on their guidelines listed here.

  • Make sure you focus on WHAT you do and HOW you do it, so you can figure out what NOT to do!

  Mix up your Instagram pages. And remember “VERY IMPORTANT”  that Instagram’s origin is a mobile app. So when you’re looking for offers stay targeted and look for only mobile offers, look on for offers from various mobile CPA networks.  

Great Resources:

Here are my top resources of mobile ad networks for mobile CPA offers.
  1. – Great for Mobile Games and Apps
  2. – 1 Of The Easiest Mobile CPA Networks To Get Into, They Have Some Great Offers (Like Pay-Per-Call Offers)
  3. – Great for International Offers, (they have a ton of mobile games and adult mobile offers)
  4. you love the IM/BizOp niche this is the company to get offers from, they have super high payouts on financial and biz op offers!
  5. Operation Offers- Great for Incentivized offers mobile and web. Even has charity offers, cool!
  6. Mundo Media- (Mobpartner Alternative) Go here If You Want Tons Of Mobile Game Affiliate Links & Mobile Dating Offers.
How To Make Money On Instagram With Automation
make money with instagram
Now for the good stuff! I love automation! Its great because the old school methods of marketing can be done with clicks of a button! I do a large bit of my marketing on automation aka “autopilot.” There are various  products on the market focused on how to make money on instagram, but I’ve been using  is the Instaget Bot because of it’s flexiblilty and “randomness” features that allow you to just set it and forget it. "This bot will literally pause for an hour to look “normal” and start back up. I have countless streams of traffic via Instagram from using this bot for my automation." It likes/follows/ and comments on pictures based on the #tag your targeting! Just think about it: 3 computers, 1 each running a bot doing this method everyday. Crazy traffic when each one is working on autopilot and all you’re doing is monitoring results, testing and tweaking your way to the top!   This actual training that I’m giving you now started as a mere case study of mine and it worked! With some testing and tweaking of course! I love giving resources for you to use to further your learning curve. This is exactly what I do. I read, I take notes, I really want success online. Even though I’ve seen prior successes like being on the Success With Anthony 2.0 Launch Informercial, Making 1,032.64 in a day on my 1st day of training under Anthony Morrison, Getting My SEO Business  “Morethan1WaySolutions”  up and running in less than 5 months and taking my monthly income to another level. There is still so much to learn and so much more room to evolve.  If you’re not a part of The Botnet Forum please join them. This forums FREE and it shows you different techniques you can use with “bots” and trust me they are great! Learn them and put your own spin on a method! This is what it’s about.  Learn how to make money on Instagram, evolve and spike up your income.

Sign up For The Botnet Forum Here


How To Make Money On Instagram With CPA Offers?

For this example I’ll use a simple broad offer  like the $100 Walmart or Best Buy Gift Card Offer……

For a newbie to affiliate marketing,I suggest learning how to make money on Instagram with CPA offers  to kind of get the feel  for a campaign the 1st time around. And remember this is a mobile method so keep in mind that people are slowly moving towards mobile marketing and right now CPA is the best option to go with. Hopefully in the near future we can get some steady clickbank conversions from mobile traffic. Through doing methods like I’m teaching you now I was able to learn how to test, tweak and track a mobile campaign with the loads of FREE traffic that can be generated from just Instragram alone! Similar Rules apply with a regular web PPC campaign.  We aren’t even speaking about Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn! Here is a screenshot Of a recent 6 day campaign I ran…..
how to make money on instagram
  Now on this screenshot notice how specific these offers are. They are all Free Giveaway Offers, the point of doing a campaign is to see if it works. Right? Next, see that my clicks from the 11th to the 16th started small and growed as I optimized my campaign more and more. Don’t forget  this was only a 6 day campaign for example purpose but to give you an idea of how scalable a method can be if knowing “what works” is the basis of the campaign you’re running. Notice I am showing you how to make money on instagram and as you can see i am actually making money on the 1st day I launched the campaign! The proof is right here….  
  I will not refer to exactly how much I made over that 6 day period, because you have to focus on the work that needs to be done and the money is the end result of a successfully executed ad campaign.  Just know that I did and am currently making money from what i'm teaching you. For the newbies again,( your ad=your instagram comment.

Here's The Result Of The Test With Barely Any Work Done!

make money with instagram
Treat it the same way. People are literally “moved” by what and how you say something). You must still use same fundamental marketing techniques to accomplish a good CTR%(Click Through Rate) and CVR%(Conversion Rate). I explain how to make money on instagram in detail because I want you to without a shadow of a doubt be able to utilize this technique of driving targeted traffic from a mobile phone app. Mobile is the future! Whether you want to believe it or not, so my advice is: get up to speed now! Im basically giving a straighfoward method to just hit the ground running!

Step By Step Recap On How To Make Money On Instagram:

Ok, so we talked about a lot this time and I hope I was detailed enough for you to understand. Instagram is a great way to drive FREE targeted traffic to your CPA offers and mobile squeeze pages. I have literally been testing this for weeks and it keeps growing if you are constantly doing a rinse and repeat process on this method while scaling up for optimal results. If you really want to get down and dirty with it i suggest using this guide to walk you through strategies in depth below......i have 1 users real Instaprofitgram review here...

As you can see, I literally know marketers that have over 100 accounts actively on Instagram and if every account brings just 2-5 people that enter their email address a day, imagine what these guys are bringing in. I would also like to add that I do use extra security when doing methods like this because Instagrams API can catch a bot and shut an account down. So, what I do is use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) To just switch my IP address every 10-15 minutes like HMA which stands for Hide My Ass :) (This is how you are able to run a bot all day and rake it in!) They cost about $10-11 a month but you'll be making that in a day so you see where im going with that) If you want to further your research even more on how to make money on instagram with other kinds of money making methods there are tons of different ways. I recommend  Jani G’s Easy Insta Income method. He’s made millions online already and has a great video training to dive into!  

Here are your key points to remember:

  • Step 1: Create 3-5 Instagram Accounts using your phone app or to simulate your phone on your CPU.

  • Step 2: You Will Use Instaget Bot to make your bot accounts PROMOTE your MAIN INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT while you're  tracking and optimizing.  Your main account is the one your CPA Offer link is on.

  •  Step 3: Start with one campaign until you get comfortable with driving traffic doing it this way. (you have to make sure you always look natural so make sure you use instaget Bot because it automates the stop and start feature so you don’t have to!

  • Step 4: Run campaign for 5 to 7 days and being that this is FREE traffic we are using you can go longer If you see your campaign is converting. Trust Me Internet Marketing is a numbers game If you are making a little doing the method with one account, be sure to scale up and monitor your campaign closely! One right “tweak” in Ad Copy can mean a jump in conversions, and the right picture could be a quick hit!

  How To Make Money On Instagram Using Sponsormob? Now that we have that out of the way I must show you how to make money on instagram being a newbie! Which is basically the people I’m speaking to in this post, but if you’re not then I hope I provided some value to you as well. I’ve found that just this 1 method with Sponsormob can help you optimize your campaign by using a Geo Targeting Technique that they have built into their system that you can use for FREE. Below is a diagram of a feature inside Sponsormob called the “Zone” feature...   how to make money on instagram   This feature lets you take like offers and group them together  as 1 link. What does this accomplish? While you might know how to make money on instagram, you don’t know what offers will convert? Choose similar offers and put them all into 1 “zone” and name the zone based upon the offer group. The zone has a dynamic link that will show a different ad based on where the users IP address comes in from when they click the link. This is a totally great opportunity for you to flat out test all the offers in the zone by just driving traffic to the 1 link! That’s all you have to do! Then track, monitor and optimize your campaign and make adjustments as needed.  Bottom Line…Newbies or Advanced Marketers If you haven’t given this feature a whirl I suggest you do because it does work!

Sign up For Sponsormob Here

  I will have a continuation on this mobile marketing method soon! We will be discussing how to make money on instagram using the "Shoutout Method", which is another killer technique I use. And this method can be done 3 different ways!!! Honestly this is how i learned how to make money on instagram starting out. Thanks a lot for joining  my Make It With Mike Strategy session!!! I love giving value because this is how I’m where I’m at now! I never dreamed my income could go from 100s to 1000s a month by applying strategies like these! Hopefully I could give some insight on How to make money on Instagram with a current method that is working! I am working on my very own VIP Video Insider 1 On 1 Strategy Sessions called "PassiveIncomeInsiders" I already have the domain and it'll be a series of Over my Shoulder Videos of  "Ways I'M Really Making Money" Today combined with LIVE Q &A sessions just like that whopping 1,032 in a day on Anthony Morrison's Training! I showed you a campaign that just FLAT OUT works and you can use it as your "how to make money on instagram guide" FREE! And secondly its a mobile method so, i basically just gave you a business compatible with todays economy that you can use and see results, so Ill keep you posted on the launch dates guys! thanks   -Michael Bartley Subject: How To Make Money On Instagram


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