5 Inspiring Books You Must Read on a Plane
By Jeff Bullas I am a little disturbed by the latest innovation. The last bastion for escaping from anyone sending you an email has been removed. You now can surf the web while travelling at 1,000 kmh at 40,000 feet. The very pleasant isolation from being disturbed by your inbox screaming at you is now gone! But I refuse to fly and surf because I want to escape for a few moments. So when the internet option is offered to me miles in the air I politely decline. So…….it is still either a movie binge or the book worm while the world and the ocean whizzes below me. It’s about transformation Education has been a big part of my life. It was 12 years of school and then 4 years of college. Then I spent the next 6 years as a teacher. My role was to take young minds and help transform them into healthy and well rounded adults. Well…that was my goal. School should be more than just education. The goal? To convert caterpillars into butterflies. To provide a vision of what could be rather th...