6 Quick Hacks for Increasing Organic Social Media Reach
By Disha Dinesh According to Ogilvy, the organic reach of content published by brands on Facebook is plummeting . In an attempt to make feeds more relevant to their users, Facebook has prioritized content shared by friends and family. As social networks acquire more users and see more activity on their pages, organic reach is sure to continue its descent. It is important for marketers to remember that social networks are search engines in their own right, and like Google, will continue to focus on providing their users with the most relevant content. As a brand, how do you ensure that your content continues to reach your target audience, and a good percentage of them? Relying solely on paid advertising is unlikely to get you the exposure or brand recognition that you are hoping for. Besides, the number of people using ad blockers in the US is expected to double by 2020. Clearly, ad aversion is growing and realizing this, many large brands have begun to focus more on strong organ...